- David and Sanita from kuš! comix, used to stay at home when
they come in Madrid to exhibit their publications at Libros
Mutantes. We trade old illustrated books and contacts from our
respective fanzine. They have access to nice eastern european
illustrators in Riga. I find cool western european books in
Madrid's flea market. Well, kuš! is much more an international
publication in full color than a fanzine, but we share the same
public (this, I want to believe). They stopped coming to the
book fair, but we keep in touch, resulting those 6 pages drawn
for the BONKERS issue. I don't publish that much in full color.
So if you like this page, you should buy the book before it ends
up in an aesthete trader's wanted list for collectors from western
and eastern flea markets.
and eastern flea markets.
- Aquí una de las 6 páginas dibujadas para el último número
BONKERS de kuš! comics. ¿Eres un comprador "online"?
Te lo ponen fácil.
- Le format de kuš! comic est tellement petit, que je ne pouvais
pas dessiner plus de 4 vignettes par page. Par contre, la revue
est toute en couleur.